Thursday, October 20, 2016

Review: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Tis the season for ghouls and ghosts! The Halloween season is upon us and to get myself into a more festive mood, I decided to read the classic Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.  It's definitely a haunting and thrilling page-turner that has been captivating audiences since 1818!

After being saved out at sea by Captain Walton, Dr. Victor Frankenstein tells his tale of horrors about the monster he had created as a consequence of severe curiosity and passion for the natural and philosophical sciences. Captain Walton retells this horrific and thrilling story through letters to his sister, Margaret.  In part II of the novel, the monster was able to tell his side of the story.  In the end, both creator and monster must face each other till one dies. I don't want to ruin the ending! So, go get out and read the book! 

I thought with Shelley giving the monster a voice with a point of a view was extremely interesting. I mean like they say, “there is two sides to every story!” This cliché has never been so true for this story.  However, I’m not sure which side I would take – Team Frankenstein or Team Monster? I felt equally sad for these characters and their misfortunes.  Who was truly at fault for the tragedies and horrors that took place? Were their actions justified? Which Team are you for?

Rating: 3/5 Stars

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